Tips to Reduce Stress for Cats

All the info you need

Do you get stressed thinking about bringing your cat in to see us? Do they? Well, you are not alone! Many cat owners report vet visits to be a stressful event, from getting the cats into their carriers, to actually getting them here. Don’t worry though – we do understand, and we have compiled a few suggestions that may make it easier for both you and your kitties.

  • It is a good idea to leave your cat’s carrier out in the home permanently so that they are used to having it around and don’t get worried when it is taken out before a journey. Some cats will even sleep in it!
  • We recommend using cat carriers that are either top opening, or have a wide door with a roof that is easy to remove. This is to make it easier, quicker and less stressful to get them into their baskets and also for the cats to come out once they get here.
  • If you have a wire mesh cat carrier, that’s perfectly fine, but we recommend that you bring a towel with you; cover the carrier in order to give your cats some privacy and help them feel safe.
  • If you drive here, we always recommend strapping your cat carrier in for maximum security. You may also find it useful to line the car seat with a plastic bag, just in case of accidents.
  • Once you get here, we will see you as soon as possible to reduce waiting time, but if the reception area is busy, then we can settle you in a separate room with your cat so that it is quieter while you wait.
  • We have a separate cat area in our waiting area – look out for our ‘Cosy Cat Corner’! This is to try to keep cats away from our other patients, such as dogs, as we know they’re not always the biggest fans of each other!
  • Cats like to be at a height, so feel free to pop them on to one of the chairs while you wait, rather than on the floor.
  • We can also recommend products containing pheromones that provide a calming effect on cats. These can be either used in your home generally, or sprayed in the cat box or car before a journey. The only thing to remember if using the sprays is to use them at least 20 minutes before putting your cat in the carrier. Feel free to give us a call for more information.